ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Features of clinical symptoms at diff erent stages of the fl ow of bipolar aff ective disorder
Title of the article Features of clinical symptoms at diff erent stages of the fl ow of bipolar aff ective disorder
Authors Maruta Natalia
Verbenko Georgiy
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 77-82
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-07-08 (075.9) Index BBK -
Abstract In the diagnosis of an aff ective episode modern operational criteria do not take into account the peculiarities of clinical symptoms, and the criteria for bipolar aff ective disorders (BAD) do not take into account important factors such as age of onset, family history and course of the disease. More reliable diagnosis can be achieved by the introduction of the information collected in diff erent categories typically used to refine psychiatric diagnosis. Peculiarities of clinical symptoms were conducted at diff erent stages of the flow of bipolar disorder in 120 patients with bipolar disorder (40 patients with a predominance of depressive symptoms (F31.3—5, F31.6), 30 patients with a predominance of manic symptoms (F31.0—2, F31.6) 50 patients euthymic period (F31.7). psychometric study using a questionnaire "bipolarity index" (G. Sachs, 2004), which allows to estimate in points (from 0 to 20) if the patient has the fi ve most characteristic signs of BAD: 1) description of the episode; 2) age of onset; 3) the course of the disease; 4) the eff ect of therapy; 5) heredity. It has been revealed that the clinical heterogeneity indicators index bipolarity in the first and fourth categories due to the phase of the disease (refl ected in the outcome of the integral index of bipolarity on separate groups). Clinical examples of the evaluation of patients at index bipolarity in separate groups show that the individual index bipolarity of the individual patient may be too high and ultralow regardless of the group bar. This scoring system takes the concept of bipolarity with categorical plane in a continuous, largely meets the needs of clinical practice and allows you to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of BAD.
Key words bipolar aff ective disorder, bipolar index episode, manifestation, course, therapeutic response, heredity.
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