ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Eff ectiveness of fenilpiratsetam (entrop) in the treatment of patients asthenia neurotic and organic (posttraumatic) genesis
Title of the article Eff ectiveness of fenilpiratsetam (entrop) in the treatment of patients asthenia neurotic and organic (posttraumatic) genesis
Authors Mykhaylov Borys Volodymyrovych
Kudinova Olena Ivanivna
Korshnyak Olena
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 164-170
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-053.36-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The growth rate of asthenic disorders necessitates the search for new eff ective treatments. The high prevalence and diversity of clinical forms of asthenic syndrome necessitated finding effective anti asthenic drugs. In this regard deserves your attention a new nootropic drug — Phenylpiracetam (Entrop). The study found that the appointment Entrop asthenic syndrome patients with neurotic and organic (post-traumatic) origin, a pronounced therapeutic eff ect, is well tolerated and does not cause side effects and can be recommended for use as a primary tool in the treatment of a wide range of neurotic, aff ective disorders and organic brain lesions.
Key words asthenic syndrome neurotic and post-traumatic neurotic origin, Entrop, nootropics, pharmacotherapy
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