ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)The method of modeling individual treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse, considering the level of therapeutic adherence and socio-economic criteria
Title of the article The method of modeling individual treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse, considering the level of therapeutic adherence and socio-economic criteria
Authors Rokutov Sergiy
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 153-155
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.001.57:364.272:364.048.6 Index BBK -
Abstract A method for modeling individual medical-rehabilitation program for pa-tients with substance abuse proi le us-ing computer technology is proposed. Assessment of presence of the mo-tivation for a full waiver of substance use, mental and physical condition of the patient and the level of adher-ence and socio-economic indicators are evaluated. Using models of inl uence, param-eters, characterized the plan of treat-ment and rehabilitation, are optimized by performance criteria within the limits of funds and necessary reha-bilitation period. The method allows automatically, quickly and objectively create treat-ment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse and optimize them according to patients' needs and financial capabilities of the state.
Key words substance abuse, treat-ment, rehabilitation, computer tech-nology
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