ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Social functioning and quality of life of women with paranoid schizophrenia with dif erent models of family interaction
Title of the article Social functioning and quality of life of women with paranoid schizophrenia with dif erent models of family interaction
Authors Markova Marianna
Kosenko Korneliia
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 86-95
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8:616.89-02-085:615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on the analysis of social functioning and quality of life of 150 women suf ering from paranoid schizophrenia, set some features de-pending on the model of family in-teraction. Revealed that the model of family interaction in which women have a healthy husband and children, has the most favorable ef ect on the level of adaptation to fuli ll the du-ties of social and family functioning in women. The least favorable op-tion models of family interaction is a situation where the patient live with their own parents. The highest level of quality of life also showed patients with a healthy husband and children (middle score  — 7.2); the second highest quality of life  — the sick, living with her husband (the middle score — 6.0); in third place in terms of quality of life were women living with older children (middle score  — 4.1); last — patients living in the parental home, not having their own (middle score  — 3.1). In all groups of women revealed the relationship between the psychological/emotional well-being and interpersonal interaction (r  =  0.95), self and independence in the actions (r  =  0.96) and socio-emotional support (r  =  0.94). Found that in the forefront of psychothera-peutic care for women with paranoid schizophrenia are problems of a psy-chological or emotional feelings of loneliness in the family. Loneliness creates causal violations circle of fam-ily functioning, namely, loneliness — the restriction of communication in the family  — a  violation of family communication — women's disadap-tation — reaction to frustration — the inability to solve problems  — isola-tion — loneliness. The resulting data formed the basis for the development of psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at restoring the functioning of the patient in the seventeenth in the complex treatment and rehabilita-tion process, taking into account the model of family interaction.
Key words paranoid schizophre-nia, women, model of family interac-tion, social functioning, quality of life.
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