ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Role of contextual factors in the genesis autoagressive behavior in adolescents
Title of the article Role of contextual factors in the genesis autoagressive behavior in adolescents
Authors Pogorelko Oleg Volodymyrovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 112-115
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89.02 613.86.70+159.923 Index BBK -
Abstract With respect to the principles of bioethics and ethics for 2010—2013  biennium on the basis of the children's psychiatric ward Poltava Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital examined 100 adolescents aged 14 to 17 years with mixed disorders of conduct and emotions F 92, among them 50 people found signs autoag-ressive behavior (AB) in the form of suicidal thoughts, plans, intentions, decisions (36  people 72  %) or sui-cide attempt in history (14 persons, 28  %). Analysis and synthesis of the results allowed to select contextual biological and psychosocial factors in the genesis pre-dispositional AP in adolescents, including the impact is dominated by the significance psychosocial factors. Biological contextual factors of AB were: hereditary burdened by mental and behavioral disor-ders due to use of alcohol or AB, addictive behavior in the form of repeated alcohol harmful effects of smoking cannabis derivatives and inhalation of toxic substances. Psychosocial contextual factors of AB installed: a dysfunctional fam-ily conl ict, destructive education by type of "emotional rejection", "hyper- or hypoprotection", prob-lems at school and in collaboration in a reference environment among peers and in the area of gender communication.These data were used as the ba-sis for our development of measures and correction psychoprophylaxis AB in adolescents.
Key words biological and psy-chosocial contextual factors, auto-aggressive behavior by adolescents.
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