ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Pharmacodynamic mechanisms of therapeutic and complica-tions ef ects of  antidepressants
Title of the article Pharmacodynamic mechanisms of therapeutic and complica-tions ef ects of  antidepressants
Authors Mykhaylov Borys Volodymyrovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 103-106
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4 Index BBK -
Abstract The article discussed the defini-tion, pathogenesis mechanisms, diag-nostic criteria of depressive disorders. Highlighted the main pharmacodynamic mechanisms of action antidepressants based on their affinity to their main neurotransmitter link. Considered their therapeutic ef ects and possible com-plications.
Key words depression, treatment, pharmacodynamic, therapeutic ef ect, side ef ects
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