ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Modern methods of laboratory diagnostic aseptic meningi-tises
Title of the article Modern methods of laboratory diagnostic aseptic meningi-tises
Authors Boyko Lyudmyla Trifonovna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 25-27
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831.9-002-022.6-076-093/-097 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the article was to become acquainted clinicians with modern methods of diagnostic aseptic meningitises and with new test for dif-ferential diagnostic septic with aseptic meningitises. The comparative charac-teristic of cause factors aseptic men-ingitises was conducted. Comparing of traditional and modern methods laboratory diagnostic of aseptic men-ingitises was presented. The descrip-tion of the last presenting methods such as: apportionment virus from cells culture, method of direct determining antigene (polymerase chaine reaction), immunoblotting was presented. Test determining lactose for differentiation septic and aseptic meningitis was pro-posed. The characteristic of indicators diagnostic importance of the tests was considered. Described modern me-thods possess evident advantage over traditional methods as quick receiving of results, high sensitivity and trust worthiness.
Key words meningitises, cerebro-spinal l uid, causes of aseptic menin-gitises, serologic diagnostic, bacterial diagnostic, polymerase chaine reaction, immunoblotting, lactase.
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