ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Mental traumatizing factors of men with neurotic status
Title of the article Mental traumatizing factors of men with neurotic status
Authors Soroka  Volodymyr Viktorovych
Nikiforova Viktoriia Gennadiivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 120-123
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK Index BBK -
Abstract 150  men with border psychic disorder were examined in order to research characteristics of neu-rogenesis: 50  of them were with neurotic reaction, 50 with neurotic disorder and 50 with neurotic de-velopment of personalityThe main method of investiga-tion was clinical-psychopathologi-cal in combination with question-naire inventory "Questionnaire of characteristics of mental traumatiz-ing factors" (MTF), developed by N.  A.  Maruta, T. V.  Panko. The results show that the main factors of mental traumatizing of men with neurotic reaction were factors connected with profes-sional activity.The main MTF of men with neurotic disorder depend on so-cial-economic and psychosocial situations. The basic MTF of men with neu-rotic development of personality were health factors. It is established that neurotic reaction formation is occurred un-der the inl uence of sharp stress factors and neurotic development of personality when affected by chronic factors of mental trauma-tizing. MTF of men with neurotic reac-tion and neurotic disorders were of happened event nature and those patients with neurotic develop-ment kept this traumatic situation. The majority of men with neu-rotic reactions haven't had the ex-perience of passing through similar traumatic situations, while those with neurotic disorders and neu-rotic development have faced the similar traumatic situations. Clinical symptom complex analysis shows that the men with neurotic reactions have anxious depressed manifestations; there are obsessive-anxious and astheno-depressive presentations of those men with neurotic disorders; and men with neurotic development of personality have hypochondriacal and anergic presentations.
Key words mental traumatiz-ing factors of men, neurotic reac-tion, neurotic disorders, neurotic develop ment of personality
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