ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Forensic and pharmaceutical study of the reasons for losses incurred rural utilities health — the pharmacies based on the pharmaceutical law
Title of the article Forensic and pharmaceutical study of the reasons for losses incurred rural utilities health — the pharmacies based on the pharmaceutical law
Authors Shapovalova Victoria
Shapovalov Valery
Hmelevsky Mykola Olexandrovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 171-174
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615.21 Index BBK -
Abstract On the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, there is a large quantity of modern and innovative medicines, but their cost is very high for patients living in rural areas. Orientation of the medi-cal care only to the original medicines at the state level, company-producer and retailer leads to loss of social functions such as the provision of af-fordable, safe and quality medicines. The purpose of the work consisted in conducting forensic and pharmaceuti-cal study of the factors of the loss of public healthcare enterprises "pharma-cies" in the village areas. Materials: the legal framework for the organization of pharmaceutical business utilities of the healthcare — the drugstores, forensic and pharmaceutical practice for the period of 2005-2013 years of bankrupt-cy utilities healthcare  — drugstores in the villages. Methods: normative and legal, documentary, comparative analysis, forensic and pharmaceutical monitoring. According to a study con-ducted forensic and pharmaceutical study of factors of loss of pharmacies in rural areas, among which are: the loss of control by the management of the accounting documentation, loss of pay, reduction of the staff, the deliber-ate creation of debt, unprofessional to take measures to improve the fi-nancial and economic state. To  avoid loss factors heads of rural public health enterprises must comply with the rules of the tax, financial, bank-ing and pharmaceutical law, enhance the level of performance discipline in market conditions. It is proved that the activities of pharmacies in rural areas experiencing considerable difficulties in ensuring socially vulnerable catego-ries of the rural population (retired persons, reduced contingent) of all drug nomenclature and legal groups, particularly through medical and ob-stetric centers and outpatient clinics of general practice family medicine. Proposed rule-making activities in the Commercial Code of Ukraine, the State Budget of Ukraine to increase the operating expenses of pharmacies in rural areas, as well as the draft Law of Ukraine "On the activity of pharmacies in rural areas".
Key words countryside area, drug-stores, drugs, forensic pharmacy, phar-maceutical law
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