ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Features relation of mother to child with autism disorders
Title of the article Features relation of mother to child with autism disorders
Authors Stukan Liudmyla Viacheslavivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 124-127
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.86 + 615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract Social and psychological problems of the children with autism spectrum disorders have a negative impact on the quality of life not only for a child, but also their close relatives, especially mothers. The great importance of the autistic disorder has microclimate in the fam-ily and comprehensive understanding of the child's problems of the mother. The aim of our study was to investi-gate the characteristics of the maternal attitudes to children with the autism spectrum disorders and outline the directions of the psychological adjust-ment of maladaptive forms of educa-tion. Found that in families with viola-tion of family relationships had been a violation of emotional contact with the child, distance from him or exces-sive concentration with a tendency to authoritarianism. That is why is quite necessary to create complete system of psychological help with accent on fam-ily interrelations by the family where the child with autistic disorder is brought up and educated. It can improve total family health and ei ciency of family functioning.
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