ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Features of electrical activity of the brain in patients with clini-cal transformation of types of seizures in partial epilepsy
Title of the article Features of electrical activity of the brain in patients with clini-cal transformation of types of seizures in partial epilepsy
Authors Vorobyova Tamara Mykhailivna
Berchenko Olga
Levicheva Nataliya Olexandrivna
Bevziuk Dar'ia Olexandrivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 32-35
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-053.8-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The features of electrogenesis of the brain in patients with partial epi-lepsy with different types of clinical transformation of an epileptic seizure under inl uence of the anticonvulsive therapy have been discovered. In the positive transformation of type of the epileptic seizure it have been revealed with EEG suppression of peak-wave complexes, decrease of spectral power biopotential delta range along with increased spectral power l uctuations theta range in the fronto-temporal re-gions of the brain, that due to activation of the septo-hippocampal paroxysmal brain mechanisms. It shown that elec-trographic correlate of negative trans-formation type of an epileptic seizure is a representation on EEG of the delta-band oscillations at 2  Hz in anterior regions of the brain, reducing of the spectral power of theta oscillations range, amplification of the epileptic activity under inl uence of functional loads.
Key words electrogenesis of the brain, partial epilepsy, transformation of types of the epileptic seizures.
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