ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Elongation, looping and excesses extracranial internal carotid artery caused the development of stroke and leading to the formation of vascular encephalopathy
Title of the article Elongation, looping and excesses extracranial internal carotid artery caused the development of stroke and leading to the formation of vascular encephalopathy
Authors Goncharuk Oksana
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 36-39
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005-036.11:616.133-089.12-071-08-037-084 Index BBK -
Abstract According to the results of a compre-hensive survey of 122 patients with acute cerebrovascular accident revealed hemo-dynamically marked elongation, loops for-mation and excesses section extracranial internal carotid arteries, which caused the cerebral dyscirculation. The paper highlights the role of extensions and bends extracranial internal carotid arter-ies. The internal carotid arteries in causing dys circulatory encephalopathy and acute cerebrovascular events. The features and clinical manifestations of structural and functional changes in the brain and its vessels when extending and excesses of the carotid arteries. Diagnostic algorithm for identification of extensions, bends carotid dei ned their role in the cerebral circulation. Modern methods of examination can detect structural and functional chang-es in the great vessels and the brain in disorders of cerebral circulation in the background extensions and bends. In he-modynamically signii cant lengthening of excesses and internal carotid arteries arise atrophy zones adjacent blood l ow in the fronto-parietal-temporal areas of the brain as a manifestation dyscircula-tory encephalopathy, and sudden l uctua-tions in blood pressure occurring acute, often recurrent cerebrovascular accident. Algorithm examination of cerebral circu-lation in the background extensions and bends of the carotid arteries is based on data from clinics, palpation and ausculta-tion of the neck vessels, upplemented by Doppler ultrasound (two-directional blood l ow), Computer and magnetic res-onance imaging (signs of atrophy zones adjacent blood supply, ischemic focuses), cerebral angiography which shows a typi-cal picture of extensions. Control ocular fundus and Doppler ultrasound in pa-tients with l uctuating blood pressure and neurological symptoms should be treated as screening methods for compulsory ex-amination. Unrepaired hemodynamically signii cant extension and excesses of the carotid arteries leading to the forma-tion dyscirculatory encephalopathy, and with uncontrolled hypertension  — to recurrent cerebrovascular events with consequences.
Key words extension, loops forma-tion, creases, carotid artery, brain atro-phy, acute stroke, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis
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