ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)EEG features of epilepsy patients with comorbid cardiovascular disease
Title of the article EEG features of epilepsy patients with comorbid cardiovascular disease
Authors Babkina Yuliia
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 19-21
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-073.97: 616.1-092 Index BBK -
Abstract There was performed compara-tive analysis with accent to bioelec-trical activity EEG of patients with epilepsy and comorbidity vascular disorder and EEG of patients with epilepsy without any comorbidity. Attention was paid to EEG functional loads with frequency photostimu-lation It was found patients with epilepsy and comorbidity vascular disorder had more pathological epi-leptic phenomenons with longer du-ration than of patients with epilepsy without any comorbidity. This may indicate a deterioration of the clini-cal course of epilepsy and cerebral electrogenesis change on the back-ground of comorbid vascular disease.
Key words epilepsy, vascular patho logy, electroencephalography
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