ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Disintegration of personality identity in the process of stigma formation in patients with schizophrenia
Title of the article | Disintegration of personality identity in the process of stigma formation in patients with schizophrenia | ||||
Authors |
Abramov Volodymyr Andriiovych Putyatin Gennadii |
Year | 2014 | Issue | Volume 22, issue 2(79) | Pages | 59-65 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.895.8-008.445:159.923 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | There was an examination of 80 patients suff ering from paranoid schizophrenia with diff erent duration of the disease: Group 1 (25 people) — had the fi rst episode of psychosis, Group 2 (20 people) — duration of the disease of 2-5 years, Group 3 (35 people) — over 5 years. The research was conducted by means of an original level scale of self-stigmatization and an inventory for identity integration and profi le level test. It was discovered that a stigmatization level depends on the duration of the disease in patients suff ering from paranoid schizophrenia. Three levels of identity integration are distinguished: 1) a holistic level; 2) a diff use and fragmentary level; 3) an identity crisis. There is a dependence of personality identity integration level on the duration of the disease detected. There are identity crisis levels distinguished and stigmatization formation mechanism described. There is a dependence of personality identity integration level at the diff erent stages of stigma formation established. | ||||
Key words | schizophrenia, stigma, identity, disintegration | ||||
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