ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Disintegration of personality identity in the process of stigma formation in  patients with schizophrenia
Title of the article Disintegration of personality identity in the process of stigma formation in  patients with schizophrenia
Authors Abramov Volodymyr Andriiovych
Putyatin Gennadii
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 59-65
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-008.445:159.923 Index BBK -
Abstract There was an examination of 80 patients suff ering from paranoid schizophrenia with diff erent duration of the disease: Group 1 (25 people) — had the fi rst episode of psychosis, Group 2 (20 people) — duration of the disease of 2-5 years, Group 3 (35 people) — over 5 years. The research was conducted by means of an original level scale of self-stigmatization and an inventory for identity integration and profi le level test. It was discovered that a stigmatization level depends on the duration of the disease in patients suff ering from paranoid schizophrenia. Three levels of identity integration are distinguished: 1) a holistic level; 2) a diff use and fragmentary level; 3) an identity crisis. There is a dependence of personality identity integration level on the duration of the disease detected. There are identity crisis levels distinguished and stigmatization formation mechanism described. There is a dependence of personality identity integration level at the diff erent stages of stigma formation established.
Key words schizophrenia, stigma, identity, disintegration
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