ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Craniofacial tumors. intra-, extracranial types of extension
Title of the article Craniofacial tumors. intra-, extracranial types of extension
Authors Palamar Orest Igorovych
Huk Andrii Petrovych
Polischuk Mykola Yefremovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 42-47
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 617. 51/52 -006-071-07 Index BBK -
Abstract We analyzed treatment of 197 patients with benign and malignant craniofacial tumors for a period 2002—2012 years. Our observation proved that benign and malignant craniofacial tumors have some peculiarities depending on their histobiology and the length of disease. We show some clinical observations of patients with different cranio-facial tumors, disclosed their stages of growth and intra-, extracranial spread.
Key words benign cra-niofacial tumors, malignant craniofacial tumors, sino-pa-ranasal tumors, intracranial extension.
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