ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Clinical characteristics and distinctive peculiarities of the main forms of neurotic disorders in urban and rural populations
Title of the article Clinical characteristics and distinctive peculiarities of the main forms of neurotic disorders in urban and rural populations
Authors Zinchenko Olena
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 78-82
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.447(477) Index BBK -
Abstract A clinical-psychopathological study of 300  patients from rural areas and 100 urban patients has revealed pecu-liarities of the main form on neurotic disorders. It was found out that dis-sociation (conversional) disorders were manifested predominantly with vegeta-tive, motor, and sensory disturbances. The clinical picture of dissociation (con-versional) disorders was presented with a complicated complex of syndromes, in the structure of which dissociation between patients' complaints and data from an objective clinical observation was as a foreground. The clinical structure of neuras-thenia was presented in two clinical variants: either with prevalence of psy-chopathological, predominantly emo-tional, symptoms or with prevalence of somatized symptoms. In the structure of anxious-phobic disorders in the patients examined a  phobic, anxious, and obsessive vari-ants of the disorders in combination with vegetative paroxysms were de-termined. The peculiarities described above should be taken into account in diag-nosis and therapy of neurotic disorders.
Key words neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, anxious-phobic disor-der, dissociation (conversional) disorder, clinical-psychopathological peculiari-ties, urban population, rural population
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