ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)The population and genetic analysis of formation of addictive states and estimation of possibilities for counteraction to their proliferation
Title of the article The population and genetic analysis of formation of addictive states and estimation of possibilities for counteraction to their proliferation
Authors Voloshyn Petro
Linskiy Igor
Minko Oleksandr
Samoylova Olena Stepanivna
Linska Kateryna
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 5-11
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.13-036.22 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the study is estimation of possibilities for counteraction to proliferation of addictive states by complex analysis of dynamics of epidemiological data, and also balance genetic and environmental determinants in formation of narcological profi le disorders among representatives of diff erent generations of inhabitants of Ukraine. It is analyzed the offi cial medical statistics concerning dynamics of the registered prevalence of addictive states caused by use of psychoactive substances (PAS) for 1954—2012. 447 patients with addictive states of diff erent origin are surveyed, including: 181 alcohol depended persons; 60 opiate depended persons; 23 psychostimulants depended persons and 183 persons with others (including combined) dependences, and also 2735 members of their families (the relatives of І and ІІ relationship degrees). The analysis phenotypic dispersions on the basis of presence of addictive states caused by use PAS (or prenosological abusings of PAS) with defi nition of specifi c weight of genetic and environmental determinant of formation of the specifi ed conditions is carried out. It is established, that diff erent generations of citizens of Ukraine (potential users of PAS) during last decades lived in conditions with essentially diff ering levels of prevalence of addictive states. Accumulation of cases of tobacco smoking and drunkenness in families of the surveyed patients is revealed. It is shown, that the balance environmental and genetic determinant of formation of conditions of dependence is variable value in time. It is proved, that during life of last three generations of inhabitants of Ukraine specifi c weight of environmental component of this balance has essentially grown, and genetic has decreased. The conclusion that these changes are caused by environment saturation with various PAS, and also their advertising is drawn. Thereof even those people who have no essential genetic predisposition to pathological addiction get to it now. It is off ered to consider current specifi c weight of environmental component as an indicator of theoretically achievable level of effi ciency of actions for counteractions to addictive states, and the indicator of practically achievable level is the lowest value of this component for all period of time accessible to supervision.
Key words psychoactive substances, addictive states, prevalence, genealogy, the population and genetic analysis, counteraction possibilities
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