ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Symptomatology and diagnosis of craniofacial tumors
Title of the article Symptomatology and diagnosis of craniofacial tumors
Authors Zabolotnyy Dmytro Illich
Palamar Orest Igorovych
Huk Andrii Petrovych
Honcharuk Oksana Mykolaivna
Okonskyy Dmytro Igorovych
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 37-44
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK -617. 51/52-006-071-07 Index BBK -
Abstract In this article we presented symptomatology and CT, MRI signs of craniofacial tumors. Clinical picture of craniofacial tumors is variable and it is manifested with symptoms of damages of nasal cavity, accessory sinuses of nose, nasopharynx involvement, signs of brain and cranial nerves involvement. In respect of tumor size, tumor extension there are signs of middle and inner ear involvement. CT and MRI investigation disclosed peculiarities of these tumors, particularly their intra-extracranial extension. It was shown signs of skull base invasion, dural invasion, intracerebral invasion, periorbit invasion. All of these signs matched with intraoperative data.
Key words craniofacial tumors, symptomatology and diagnosis
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