ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Organization of psychocorrectional help to psoriasis patients
Title of the article Organization of psychocorrectional help to psoriasis patients
Authors Onyshchenko Inga Volodymyrivna
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 143-148
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.517:616.89-008 Index BBK -
Abstract Basic principles of organization of psychocorrectional help to psoriasis patients are described in the article. The program of complex psychotherapy is built on the basis of determination of psychocorrectional infl uencing targets, such as violations in somatic, psychological and social spheres.
Key words psoriasis, disadaptation, the techniques of relax, body-oriented therapy, NLP therapy, the technique of “desensitization and reprocessing by movements of eyes”, cognitive-beha vioral therapy
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