ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Depressive disorders of the patients with vegetative dysfunction syndrome
Title of the article Depressive disorders of the patients with vegetative dysfunction syndrome
Authors Loboyko Olga Ivanovna
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 94-98
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.839-891.6 Index BBK -
Abstract To determine the prevalence of depressive disorders of the patients with the vegetative dystonia syndrome the vegetative function condition of 155 patients was evaluated. Some neurophysiologic parameters were studied. The degree of depression severity in the examined according to the scales of Beck’s and Hamilton was assessed. The levels of reactive and personal anxiety were defi ned according to the scale of Spielberger — Hanin. Intensity of vegetative and depressive disorders of patients in the target groups and their mutual infl uence were compared. It was shown that depressive disorders of various degrees were found in the overwhelming number of persons surveyed, which constituted the main group (MG = 105 people). 50 patients, who formed the comparative group (CG), have a syndrome of vegetative dysfunction with no signs of depression. According to the assessment of depression on Beck’s and Hamilton’s scales two subgroups were identifi ed among MG patients, one with domination of depressive disorders over the vegetative and the other, among patients with the leading syndrome of vegetative dystonia (SVD) with concomitant depressive disorders. These two MG subgroups were also diff erent on the levels of reactive and personal anxiety. In 1st MGS of the patients reactive anxiety prevailed over personal, whereas in 2nd MGS — reactive and personal anxiety did not diff er signifi cantly. More severe vegetative dysfunctions were observed with the patients of 1st MGS. Depressive disorders with high levels of reactive and personal anxiety that aff ect signifi cantly on the course and manifestations of vegetative dysfunction were detected in the vast majority of patients with SVD.
Key words vegetative dysfunction, depression, psychometric scales
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