ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Clinical psychopathological features of neurotic reactions in men
Title of the article Clinical psychopathological features of neurotic reactions in men
Authors Soroka  Volodymyr Viktorovych
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 108-111
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89 Index BBK -
Abstract Examined 80 patients with adjustment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder. Patients with neurotic reactions were surveyed by means of a questionnaire of expressiveness of psychopathological symptomatology of SCL-90-R. Men to the fi rst place had anxious and phobic symptoms, and at women — anxious-depressive. Analysis of the clinical symptom complex, denoted by patients as the main manifestation of the disease revealed that in the group of "Men" were represented by anxiety, fear, aggression and autoaggression. In the group "Women" were leading low mood and decreased self-esteem, and bodily sensations, anxiety. Maximum severity of fear, anxiety was observed in patients, survivors of a real threat to life. After 2—3 weeks after psychogenic on the fi rst plan were not peculiar previously patients irritability and confl ict, and in somatic and neurologic status were found hypertensive status and cardialgia. Formed avoidant behavior against the background of panic attacks. In combinati on, these symptoms caused patients with neurotic reactions state expressed distress and impaired social functioning. Taking into account the possibility of unfavorable neurotic reactions, their timely and adequate therapy is prevention for the development of a more severe mental pathology.
Key words neurotic reactions, adjustment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, men
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