ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 2 (75)The experience of drug correction of poststroke aphasia
Title of the article The experience of drug correction of poststroke aphasia
Authors Zavgorodnya А. N.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 2 (75) Pages 15-17
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89—008.434.5-06:616.831-005.4-085.21 Index BBK -
Abstract The dynamic clinical features of moderate motor aphasic syndromes in 28 patients in the early recovery period hemispheric ischemic stroke. According to the study protocol selected speech functions, we evaluated spontaneous speech, automated speech, non-automated speech, repetitive speech, naming of objects, understanding speech (words, the meaning of words, low frequency words, instructions and suggestions of simple and complex logic and grammar). More expressed positive trend speech status of these patients during treatment with the drug complex neurometabolic and neuroprotection — Semax.
Key words post-stroke aphasia, treatment, Semax.
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