ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 2 (75)National features of diff erential diagnostics of schizoaff ective disorder (The fi rst message)
Title of the article National features of diff erential diagnostics of schizoaff ective disorder (The fi rst message)
Authors Sazonov Sergiy
Baibarak Natalia
Serikova Olga
Nazarchuk A. G.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 2 (75) Pages 61-65
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-07-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The process of diff erential diagnostics of schizoaff ective disorder (SAD) in clinical practice was studied. The actual diagnostical approaches existing in the World were used. There were investigated 69 patients. Were revealed that for the patient were set 2.48 diff erential diagnoses on the average, more for depressive type (usually 3), and less for manic or mixed type (mostly 2 diff erential diagnoses). Found that the unclearness of the diff erent schools’ criteria complicates timely identifi cation and proper treatment. The manic aff ect facilitates the correct qualifi cation of condition in opposite to the depression aff ect having at SAD atypical character. Also, for various reasons the cases of SAD are not always identifi ed as psychosis.
Key words schizoaff ective disorder, diagnostics, diff erential diagnostics.
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