ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 2 (75)Dynamic of reduction of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome under the infl uence of cytofl avin at persons with resistant alcohol dependence to the treatment
Title of the article Dynamic of reduction of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome under the infl uence of cytofl avin at persons with resistant alcohol dependence to the treatment
Authors Artemchuk Kyrylo Anatoliiovych
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 2 (75) Pages 51-56
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89—008.441.13:362.147-036.22 Index BBK -
Abstract the results of studying the reverse development of the diff erent manifestations of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the compared groups are shown: alcohol dependence patients, who received cytofl avin (group A) or didn't receive it (group B). Thus, under the action of cytofl avin (group A) the normalization of circulatory dynamics, reduction of the leading alcohol withdrawal symptoms and pathological attraction to alcohol developed much earlier and more actively.
Key words alcohol dependence, therapeutically-resistant forms, cytofl avin, reduction of the alcohol syndrome.
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