ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 4 (101)A statistical portrait of an adult patient with epilepsy
Title of the article A statistical portrait of an adult patient with epilepsy
Authors Dubenko Andrij
Smolanka Volodymyr
Kutikov Oleksandr
Kutikov Damir
Sazonov Sergiy
Koliesnik Tetiana
Oros Mykhailo
Hrabar Vasyl
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 4 (101) Pages 10-15
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 16.863-009.24:616-053.8-071-036.8 Index BBK -
Abstract For the fi rst time in Ukraine, using methods of calculation of odds ratio, correlation analysis by means of the contingency and Spearman’s rank correlation methods, a statistical portrait and profi les of patients with epilepsy with diff erent frequency of seizures were formed. Data obtained from 583 patients had been analyzed. It was revealed that the frequency of prescriptions in the past for such antiepileptic medications (AEMs) as benzobarbital, phenobarbital, pheny toin, and valproic acid depended directly on the frequency of seizures. Current prescriptions of benzobarbital and phenytoin also retain a positive non-linear dependence on the frequency of seizures. The prescription of carbamazepine prevails in the group with medium-frequency seizures (MFS) both in the past and present. In general, among all AEMs, patients with epilepsy most often are treated with carbamazepine, both currently and in the past. The prevalence of current phenobarbital prescriptions was found out in the groups with frequent seizures (FS) and rare seizures (RS), and their level in the MFS group was slightly lower. The cryptogenic epilepsy form includes mainly patients with a high and medium frequency of seizures, whereas the idiopathic form includes patients with rare seizures. The symptomatic epilepsy form is manifested clinically with an approximately equal various frequency of seizures, with some predominance of a high (fi rstly) and low (secondary) frequency. Partial seizures in the FS and RS groups are not found. The frequency of occurrence of secondary-generalized seizures and absences significantly directly depends on the frequency of seizures. Primary generalized seizures are the most common and they are more often observed in MFS. The likelihood of the seizure polymorphism is greater the higher the overall frequency of seizures. There is no a direct dependence of the proportion of patients with disabilities on the frequency of seizures. Mental disorders are more likely to occur with more frequent seizures.
Key words epilepsy, statistics, clinic, frequency of seizures
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