ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Treatment of seizures in an acute period of traumatic brain injury
Title of the article Treatment of seizures in an acute period of traumatic brain injury
Authors Shkiryak Anton
Goncharuk Oksana
Komarnitskiy Sergiy
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 86-89
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009.12-08:616.831-001-036.11 Index BBK -
Abstract Determination of clinical and radiological features, outcomes of patients with seizures in acute period of traumatic brain injury (TBI) will optimize their management. The aim was to optimize the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for seizures in the acute period of TBI. The study was based on the results of a clinical, instrumental exa mination and treatment outcomes analysis of the 779 patients with TBI, which had seizures. The average age of patients was 35.5 ± 7.8 years. Mild TBI occurred in 124 patients (15.9 %), moderate in 192 patients (24.6 %), and severe in 463 patients (59.5 %). In 316 observations, the risk of intracranial complications (ROIC) was rated as average (40.6 %). High ROIC occurred in 463 observations (59.4 %). 422 patients (54.2 %) were operated in an urgent manner. Surgical treatment after previous therapy was performed in 232 patients (29.8 %). Therapy without surgery was performed in 125 patients (16.0 %). Total mortality was 30.8 % (240 patients), postoperative mortali ty was 31.2 % (211 patients). Seizures in the acute period of TBI as a direct consequence of TBI substantially enhances the severity of the patient’s condition. The volu me of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for seizures is determined by an assessment of the risk of developing intracranial complications.
Key words seizures, traumatic brain injury, treatment
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