ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Evaluation of the effectiveness of action of the preparation Entrop in the treatment of patients with asthenia of organic genesis
Title of the article Evaluation of the effectiveness of action of the preparation Entrop in the treatment of patients with asthenia of organic genesis
Authors Yuryeva Liudmyla
Dukelsky Olexandr
Shusterman Tamara
Kokashynskyi Viktor
Khokholev Kostyantyn
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 90-95
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8 - 009.17 - 085:615.214 - 036.8 Index BBK -
Abstract This article presents the results of the study of the eff ectiveness of effect of the medication Entrop in the treatment of patients with asthenia of organic genesis. The study involved 15 patients with an organic emotionallabile (asthenic) disorder (F06.6), who received the medication Entrop for 30 days in a daily dose of 200 mg (active treatment group). Control group consisted of 10 patients who received standard treatment. Patients of both groups underwent the analysis of the clinical picture and the psychodiagnostic examination (1st and 30th day). Weakness and fatigue were in the leading place among the complaints in the patients of the active treatment group, sleep disorders and weakness were the ones in the control group. In mental status of both groups emotional lability predominated. At the psychodiagnostic examination (Global Assessment of Asthenia, Asthenic State Scale, Screening-test "Suicidal Behavior", Mini-mental State Examination), reliable data on the reduction of asthenia level and improvement of cognitive functioning in the treatment with Entrop in comparison with the control group were obtained. The investigated product was well tolerated by patients and did not cause clinically signifi cant side eff ects. The conclusion about the possibility of using Entrop in complex treatment of patients with asthenia of organic genesis was made.
Key words asthenia, organic genesis, treatment, Entrop, eff ectiveness
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