ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Comparative analysis of expression of alcohol developments in individuals with different mental experience and level of psychosocial stress
Title of the article Comparative analysis of expression of alcohol developments in individuals with different mental experience and level of psychosocial stress
Authors Gaponov Kostiantyn
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 14-17
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.861::616.895::613.816 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the work is to analyze the relationship between the severity of alcohol dependence (AD), the presence of traumatic experience and the severity of psychosocial stress, to understand the ways of modifying existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies, taking into account the aggravating effect of stress on the formation and progress of AD. During 2014—2018, 312 men were diagnosed with AD: 107 combatants — persons who had the experience of engaging in combat operations in the East of Ukraine as participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and Operation of the Joint Forces; 89 forced displaced persons from temporarily occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhans’k region; and 116 people — residents of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, who were not combatants or internally displaced persons. The regularities concerning the association of alcohol abuse and psychosocial stress are established: 1) the factor of severity of psychosocial stress most infl uences the severity of alcohol dependence; 2) the factor of participation in combat operations and the factor of forced resettlement can be considered as actual factors of alcohol abuse; 3) the factor of presence of psychotraumatic experience in itself, not associated with a distinct response to a stressful event, does not signifi cantly aff ect the indicators of the severity of alcoholrelated disorders.
Key words alcohol dependence, psychosocial stress, traumatic experience
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