ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Rehabilitation routes of the socially dangerous schizophrenic patients
Title of the article Rehabilitation routes of the socially dangerous schizophrenic patients
Authors Kushnir Anatolii
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 33-40
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-082.4/.6:340.63-039.76 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the research is to develop the directions and measures of complex diff erentiated treatment and rehabilitation programs (CDTRP) on the basis of the structural and semantic approach to the functional diagnosis of especially socially dangerous schizophrenic patients. A cross-sectional, case series, case control study of 511 men population with paranoid schizophrenia, who committed grave and especially grave social dangerous act (SDA) were conducted. On the base of assign in the comparison group laid the psychopathological mechanism (PM): the study included 251 patients with productive-psychotic (P-P) PM SDA (I group) and 127 patients with negative-personal (N-P) PM SDA (II group). Authentic diff erences in the functional (rehabilitation) diagnosis indicators for each of the groups studied were established, and on this basis the rehabilitation routes, diff erentiated by the psychopathological mechanism, were developed in conditions of courtordered treatment. Evaluation the effectiveness of the proposed CDTRP showed a suffi cient level of their effectiveness relative to the reduction of psychopathological symptomatology, public danger and positive response to therapy in especially socially dangerous schizophrenic patients in conditions of court-ordered treatment.
Key words schizophrenia, socially dangerous acts against the life of a person, repeated especially socially dangerous acts, medico-social rehabilitation.
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