ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Possibilities of biosuggestive therapy in the correction of pain syndrome in psychoneurology and dentistry
Title of the article Possibilities of biosuggestive therapy in the correction of pain syndrome in psychoneurology and dentistry
Authors Osokina Olga
Udod Oleksandr
Ivniev Borys
Seleznova Sofia
Putiatin Hennadii
Ushenin Serhii
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 73-79
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.314-89.5-031.84 Index BBK -
Abstract The article is devoted to the study of the structure of pain syndrome and the eff ectiveness of biosuggestive therapy for its correction at patients with psychoneurological and dental problems. The pain syndrome was studied using the McGill’s Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) among 148 respondents suff ering from pain. Among them there were 72 patients with psychoneurological problems and 76 patients with dental problems. The authors studied the dynamics of pain intensity, and its sensory and emotional components. Patients of the main group, in contrast to the control group, noted a significant pain reduction according to the MPQ (p < 0.05) two hours after the biosuggestive therapy. These changes were most pronounced in patients with psychoneurological problems on the aff ective scale due to a decrease in the level of anxiety and irritability. The effectiveness of biosuggestive therapy in reducing the severity of pain syndrome in patients with both psychoneurological and dental problems was proved. The maximum changes were observed in the emotional component of the pain syndrome. These changes automatically led to the transformation of the sensory and subjective components of pain.
Key words pain syndrome, McGill Pain Questionnaire, biosuggestive therapy, patients with psychoneurological and dental problems
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