ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 4 (93)Personological and behavioral patterns in persons who have married with HIV infected consumers of injection drugs
Title of the article Personological and behavioral patterns in persons who have married with HIV infected consumers of injection drugs
Authors Podolian Volodymyr
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 4 (93) Pages 52-58
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.87: 615.036.2 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim — to study personological and behavioral patterns in persons who have married with HIV infected consumer of injection drugs (CID) in order to understand possible targets of further medical and psychological work with this contingent. Clinical and psychopathological and psychodiagnostic examination of 113 HIV-infected CID was conducted on the basis of the Vinnytsia Regional Drug Treatment Center “Sociotherapy” in the period from 2010 to 2017. The presence of mental and behavioral disorders as well as distortions in the personality and behavioral spheres of the marital partners of HIVinfected CID demonstrated the co-dependence of these individuals in the result of the study. The spectrum of mental disorders (depressive and personality disorders) indicates to a predominantly psychogenic and personality level of symptoms. Low indicators of stress resistance, nonharmonic combination of accentuated features of character and individual and psychological properties, as well as additional psychotraumatic factors (the presence of HIV infection in spouses, patient refusal from substitution therapy) contribute to not only mental and behavioral disorders in the marital partners of HIV-infected CIDs, but also provoke the development of psychosocial and family disadaptation.
Key words psychological peculiarities, family members, HIV infected consumer of injection drugs
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