ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 3 (92)Biological mechanisms of increasing the resistance and physiology of progressive adaptation of the organism in psychoactive substance dependence
Title of the article Biological mechanisms of increasing the resistance and physiology of progressive adaptation of the organism in psychoactive substance dependence
Authors Baitubayev Dyussengali
Baitubayeva Madina
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 3 (92) Pages 13-17
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615.212.7:616-036.17-003.96 Index BBK -
Abstract The article shows that the current level of physiology, did not disclose the biological mechanisms of the organism transition from one range to adapt to a higher, with an increase in the regu lar forces of the stimulus above sub-extreme. A new trend in the physiology of adap tation — progressive adaptation, explains the mechanism of increasing the resistance of the organism, with dependence on psychoactive substances (PAS). Scientifi c reasonably shown that depending on the organism from PAS — not the disease, and the states like progressive adaptation.
Key words hypertrophy of the neuroendocrine system, a progressive adaptation
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