ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)The use of lyophilized royal jelly of brand “Medoc” in the complex treatment of chronic tic disorders in children
Title of the article The use of lyophilized royal jelly of brand “Medoc” in the complex treatment of chronic tic disorders in children
Authors Tantsura Lyudmyla
Pylypets Olena
Tretiakov Dmytro
Salo Sergiy
Lukyantseva Olga
Trembovetska Olena
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 108-112
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009.29-053.2:638.171-08 Index BBK -
Abstract We studied the efficacy and safety of bee product — freezedried royal jelly in complex treatment of children suff ering from tic hyperkinesis of brand “Medoc”. Lyophilized royal jelly was applied for the treatment of 23 children suff ering from hyperkinesis, who was diagnosed with PANDAS syndrome and herpetic infection, in the form of capsules, 1 capsule (350mg) — 2 times a day for 1 month. The observation of patients continued in our department within 6 months after treatment. The use of freeze-dried royal jelly “Medoc”™ in complex treatment of children with chronic tic disorders contributed to the improvement of the condition of patients. It caused disappearance of manifestations of the disease in 91.30 % of cases against 27.27 %, when the treatment regimen did not include antiviral and immunostimulative drugs (jelly milk). The improvement was persistent and kept during the entire observation period. We did not observed any side eff ects during application of royal jelly. Lyophilized royal jelly “Medoc”™, showed high efficacy and safety, and can be widely used in children, including the complex treatment of children suff ering from tic hyperkinesis.
Key words lyophilized royal jelly, children, tic hyperkinesis
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