ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Cerebral hemodynamics in patients with tension-type headache
Title of the article Cerebral hemodynamics in patients with tension-type headache
Authors Kalashnikov Valerii
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 16-22
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.857 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the data of clinical and Doppler sonography examination of 188 young patients with tensiontype headache. The aim of the study was to evaluate the state of the cerebral hemodynamics and cerebrovascular reactivity. Hemodynamic disturbances in the studied persons often manifested themselves in the form of increased velocity parameters and functional asymmetries of blood flow in the middle cerebral and vertebral arteries. Hyperreactivity on metabolic functional test is typical for patients with both episodic and chronic tension-type headache. The majority of patients with frequent episodic tension-type headache revealed hyperresponsiveness to hypercapnic and orthostatic loads. In the group of patients with chronic tension-type headache dominates the hyporeactivity to hyperventilation. We studied the eff ect of a preparation Noophen on cerebral hemodynamics and state of regulatory mechanisms in patients with tension-type headache. The administration of Noophen revealed a tendency to normalization of increased indicators of blood fl ow velocity in cerebral arteries and a positive eff ect on the performance of cerebrovascular reactivity.
Key words cerebral hemodynamics, Transcranial Doppler sonography, cerebrovascular reactivity, tension-type headache, Noophen
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