ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 1 (90)Post-traumatic stress disorders in participants of the antiterrorist operation (combat psychogenias, clinical-psychopathological characteristics)
Title of the article Post-traumatic stress disorders in participants of the antiterrorist operation (combat psychogenias, clinical-psychopathological characteristics)
Authors Zavorotnyy Vyacheslav
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 1 (90) Pages 48-59
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.45-001.1/3-008.447 «364» Index BBK -
Abstract The investigation carried out by us demonstrated that in genesis of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in the ATO participants a signifi cant place belonged to combat psychogenias in the forms of a vital threat, a psychological stress of the fi rst battle, and stress environmental factors. In the structure of clinical manifestations the main symptoms (traumatic event, intrusion, avoidance, hyperactivation, and social disadaptation) and additional ones (underground-syndrome, combatant nycto phobia, nyctosensibilization, and sleep self-de privation) were defi ned. It is necessary to take into account the abovementioned features in diagnosis of PTSD in military men.
Key words post-traumatic stress disorders, combat psychogenias, participants of the ATO
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