ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 1 (90)Comparison of the dynamics of clinical and psychological parameters in drug and non-drug treatment of adolescents with tension-type headache
Title of the article Comparison of the dynamics of clinical and psychological parameters in drug and non-drug treatment of adolescents with tension-type headache
Authors Stepanchenko Kostiantyn
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 1 (90) Pages 62-65
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.857-07:616-08-035 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presented the dynamics of clinical and psychological parameters in adolescents with diff erent forms of tension-type headaches. The frequency, intensity, severity of accompanying symptoms of headache, muscle pain dysfunction, severity level of vegetative dystonia, autonomic tone in the cardiovascular system, autonomic reactivity and vegetative support of physical activity, the level of reactive and personal anxiety, depression level were evaluated. The advantages of the method of individual adaptive biocontrol based on heart rate variability and complex techniques of individual muscle autocorrection as a non-drug therapies in the complex management in adolescents with tension-type headache were defi ned.
Key words tension-type headache, adolescents, method of individual adaptive biocontrol
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