ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Typology of strategies to overcome in women with diff erent addictive behavior and family health
Title of the article Typology of strategies to overcome in women with diff erent addictive behavior and family health
Authors Savina Maiia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 79-82
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48::616-055.2 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on the clinical and psychological survey of 421 married couples, among which 321 married couples diag nosed abuse of family relationships and addictive behavior (AB) women in the other 50 couples — a impairment of family health, and 50 harmonious couples, the features of coping strategies in women from diff erent states of addictive behavior and family health were investigated. The couple in impairment of the relationship has been a prevalence disadaptive coping strategies, regardless of the status of women in the AB. However, women with troubled families found qualitative diff erences meaningful combinations of types and combinations of coping strategies at diff erent levels. Thus, women with AB were inherent cognitive helpless addictive dodging and depending pseudocompensation types of responses, the structure of which the AB has acquired as an additional strain co ping. Women without AB had cognitive uncritical, confl ict-destructive and maladaptive emotional types of responses that have expressed a destructive impact on the mastery of them stress. Women with harmonious families were inherent adaptive cognitive-conscious, emotionally strong and behavioral responses and activity types. The data were put in the basis to develop the system of psychological correction and psychoprophylactic support family health in the presence of AB in women
Key words coping strategies, addictive behavior, women, family health disorders
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