ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Peculiarities of changes in health-associated quality of life and possibilities of their assessment SF-36v2 in patients with remote consequences of traumatic brain injury
Title of the article Peculiarities of changes in health-associated quality of life and possibilities of their assessment SF-36v2 in patients with remote consequences of traumatic brain injury
Authors Shkolnyk Valerii
Fesenko Halyna
Soia Olena
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 32-35
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.714+616.831]-001-092.11 Index BBK -
Abstract The article is representing a study of health-associated features of quality of life in patients with remote consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) of diff erent severity, as well as establishing the utility of SF-36v2 in these patients. A total of 100 patients divided into three groups with mild, moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in the past history were examined. The results of our study demonstrated the limited capacity of SF-36v2 subscales in the diff erentiation of diff erent states within the population of patients with consequences of TBI. The prevalence of emotional and psychological problems over physical discomfort was also established in this category of patients. Decline of indicators associated with health-related quality of life along with increasing severity of TBI has been established. Severity of trauma had the greatest impact on general assessment of patient`s health condition and treatment perspectives. Patient’s age, the results of assessment on Beck scale, disorders of executive functions, thinking and long-term memory were defi ned as factors that signifi cantly infl uence the indicators associated with health-related quality of life in diff erent groups.
Key words closed traumatic brain injury, long-term eff ects, quality of life, SF-36v2
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