ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Diff erentiated approaches to psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia in view of clinical and functional gender peculiarities
Title of the article Diff erentiated approaches to psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia in view of clinical and functional gender peculiarities
Authors Buzdyhan Olena
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 47-53
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.87-075.8 Index BBK -
Abstract Purpose — to develop and justify a diff erentiated approach to psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with paranoid schizophrenia (PS) in view on their clinical and functional gender peculiarities. Comprehensively examined 420 patients with pancreatic, divided into two groups of 210 men and 210 women. The average age of the patients was 44.3 ± 11.6 years, men 43.9 ± 9.6 years, women — 44.7 ± 13.2 years. The basis of diff erentiation psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with PS are two theses: 1) patients with PS need skills, as well as in support of the environment for the proper implementation of their role in the household, social and labor and fami ly spheres; 2) when changing skills and/ or support the environment, individuals with schizophrenia, are more able to implement their selected roles and functions taking into account clinical and functional gender peculiarities. The paper stated principles described structure and technology of psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with pancreatic considering clinical and functional gender peculiarities. Proved that rehabilitation in men and women with PS should vary depending on the fracture parameters in the areas of life functioning, which is determined by their clinical and functional gender peculiarities. Psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with pancreatic should be systemic, integrated and diff erentiated, and should be the framework of multidisciplinary teams of specialists (psychiatrist, physician, psychologist / specialist medical and psychological rehabilitation, social worker), whose ultimate goal was to improve the quality of life and patients adaptation to the existing level of functioning, based on their clinical and functional gender peculiarities.
Key words paranoid schizophrenia, men, women, functional diagnosis, clinical and functional peculiarities
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