ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 3 (88)Current approaches to preventive treatment of status migrainous
Title of the article Current approaches to preventive treatment of status migrainous
Authors Mialovytska Olena
Didkova Yuliia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 3 (88) Pages 21-23
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.857-084-08 Index BBK -
Abstract study effi cacy in the treatment of status migrainous. 25 patients with other forms of migraine were examined. Score Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for assessment intensity of headaches and questionnaire MIDAS was used for study degree of disadaptation. It was prove, that the use of preparation of valproic acid drug (Convulex) for treatment of status migrainous authentically increase degree of headache and level of disadaptation in patients during 6 months. Thus, preparation of valproic acid drug (Convulex) is efficacy for treatment of status migrainous.
Key words migraine, status migrainous, VAS, MIDAS, Con vulex
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