ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Disturbances in addictive status and psycho-emotional condition in the genesis of maladjustment in wifes of males with alcohol dependence
Title of the article Disturbances in addictive status and psycho-emotional condition in the genesis of maladjustment in wifes of males with alcohol dependence
Authors Yarui Volodymyr
Markova Marianna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 107-112
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.816:616.89-008.48 Index BBK -
Abstract Necessity providing therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for close environment of patients with drug abuse determinates establishing the presence and content of psychopathological conditions associated with the disease in relatives of ill persons. In the Kyiv City Narcological Hospital "Sociotherapy" during 2012— 2015 years examined 160 wives of men with alcohol abuse and 50 women, whose husbands did not had any alcohol problems. In wives of men with alcohol dependence found maladjustment conditions with varying severity and clinical content unlike wives with healthy husbands. We identifi ed three clinical maladjustment options: psycho-emotional (25.6 %), behavioral (30.6 %), combined (43.8 %). The psycho-emotional maladjustment characterized by the presence of depressive and/or anxious symptoms with a high stress intensity and low capacity for stress resistance, and the amplitude of symptoms varying from single mosaic manifestations to clinically defi ned psychopathological states. For behavioral maladjustment is inherent craving for addictive implementation at the level of dangerous use or dependent state with wide range objects of behavioral dependence such as food, tea/coff ee, shopping and work, and smoking. Combined maladjustment represented in a combination of both phenomena, with varying degrees of severity. In wives of men with socio-environmental alcohol dependence prevalent were combined (51.3 %) and psycho-emotional (30.0 %) types of maladjustment, in wives of patients with personal-genetic type — behavioral (42.5 %) and combined (36.3 %) types of maladjustment. The observed diff erentiation addictive and emotional status of women, depending on the genesis alcohol dependence in their husbands (social-environmental or personal-genetic), namely, greater variability of clinical manifestations and severity of pathological addictive phenomena, and greater severity of psychopathological anxious and depressive manifestations in wives men with genetically determined alcohol dependence. The data confi rm the necessity of developing eff ective treatment and rehabilitation programs for the wives of men with alcohol dependence.
Key words co-dependence, addictive status, psycho-emotional condition, maladjustment, wives, alcohol dependence
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