ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Depressive response level of spouses with different state of family health and dependent behavior in women
Title of the article Depressive response level of spouses with different state of family health and dependent behavior in women
Authors Savina Maiia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 82-88
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48::616-055.2 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim is to study of the characteristics of depressive response of spouses with diff erent state of family health of dependent behavior in women to detect targets further psycho-operation. It based on a comprehensive study of 321 married couples with maladjustment of family relationships and addictive behavior (AB) in women, 50 families with maladjustment without AB in women (comparison group 1) and 50 conventionally harmonic married couples (comparison group 2), established the following. Most lesions mental state with a tendency to express depressive reaction involving cognitive and aff ective and somatic areas observed in women with dependent behavior and impairments of family health. Type of addictive prevailing in this case had no special signifi cance. Women with without addictive status with problematic family relations showed signs of cognitive-aff ective depressive reaction, however, is much less clinical intensity and diversity. Women with healthy families diff er regulatory indicators aff ective sphere, showing the presence of half of them beforenosological some signs of depression. The mental state of men from disadvantaged families, whose wife had addictive problems, characteri zed by the presence of various individual features depressive reaction (mainly affective and cognitive) are not achieved clinically signifi cant severity. Men with inharmonious family with their wives without evidence of AB, in general, did not show signs of clinically signifi cant aff ective response disharmonious family situation (moderate level of depression was diagnosed in 4 %). Men from harmonious families diff ered as ge ne ral psychological well-being, with some mosaic signs of concern or depression. The data were assigned us a basis for developing the psychological treatment and support of family health with AB in women.
Key words addictive behavior, women, family health disorders, depressive reaction
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