ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Burnout in physicians-oncologists: sources of professional stress and psychological needs
Title of the article Burnout in physicians-oncologists: sources of professional stress and psychological needs
Authors Mukharovska Inna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 73-78
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:616-006-052 Index BBK -
Abstract The study evaluated the prevalence of burnout among physiciansoncologists, identifi ed sources of occupational stress; found the needs in information and psychological skills for professional interaction. Specifi city of oncologic practice from other areas of somatic pathology included close contact and interaction with patients who were under the infl uence of pronounced chronic physical and mental stress. Found that every third physician showed signs of maladaptive infl uence of occupational stress, and every seventh specia list experienced intense work stress with negative consequences for the activities and their health. The survey of physicians showed high demand for information in psychooncology and psychological practical skills. The high burnout severity in phy sicians-oncologists, stressful and psy chotraumatic professional work in the fi eld of oncology makes the need for the development and implementation of psychological measures for medical staff .
Key words burnout, oncology, physicians, medical psychological help
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