ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Structure of the brain evoked potentials and their peculiarities in some mental disorders (review)
Title of the article Structure of the brain evoked potentials and their peculiarities in some mental disorders (review)
Authors Osokina Olga
Ivniev Borys
Putiatin Hennadii
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 17-22
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008:616.831-073.7 Index BBK -
Abstract The article is given a detailed analysis of the structure of the brain evoked potentials auditory and visual modalities. The authors have shown the time of appearance of components evoked potentials and possible mechanisms of their formation. The authors noted the importance of using the method of evoked potentials to study psychiatric disorders. The article is also provided an overview of the literature that concerns evoked potentials in patients with fi rst psychotic episode in schizophrenia patients, including the authors own research. It is concluded that electrophysiological changes are nonspecifi c in various psychiatric disorders, and the results are presented in various studies are contradictory. This makes it necessary to continue research in this direction.
Key words the brain evoked potentials, fi rst psychotic episode, schizophrenia
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