ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)The device for modeling individual treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse, consi dering the level of therapeutic adherence and socioeconomic criteria
Title of the article The device for modeling individual treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse, consi dering the level of therapeutic adherence and socioeconomic criteria
Authors Rokutov Sergiy
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 73-75
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.3-08-036.82-058:004.42 Index BBK -
Abstract The device for modeling individual medical — rehabilitation program for patients with substance abuse profi le using computer technology is proposed. Assessment of presence of the motivation for a full waiver of substance use, mental and physical condition of the patient and the level of adherence and socioeconomic indicators are evaluated. Using models of infl uence, parameters, which characterized the plan of treatment and rehabilitation, are optimized by performance criteria within the limits of funds and necessary rehabilitation period. The device allows automatically, quickly and objectively to create treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients with substance abuse and optimize them according to patients’ needs and fi nancial capabilities of the state.
Key words device, treatment, rehabilitation, substance abuse, socioeconomic indicators
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