ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 2 (83)Peculiarities of clinical manifestations and brain structural changes in patients with post-stroke pain syndromes
Title of the article Peculiarities of clinical manifestations and brain structural changes in patients with post-stroke pain syndromes
Authors Mishchenko Tamara
Derevetska Viktoriia Gennadiivna
Balkova Nelli
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 2 (83) Pages 13-16
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.1-07-06 Index BBK -
Abstract This work is devoted to such an actual problem of neurology — formation post-stroke pain syndrome in 30—40 % of patients, according to diff erent authors. Pain decreases the quality of life, results in self-injuries and complicates rehabilitation signifi cantly. In this study structural brain changes were investigated in details in an acute period of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Nidal changes were found out in the system of the middle cerebral artery in 43 patients (84.3 %) in the right hemisphere, in 12 patients (23.5 %) in left hemisphere, and in 3 patients (5.9 %) in the vertebrobasilar basin. Three patients (5.9 %) had an isolated thalamic damage (in 2 patients a nidus was located in right thalamus and in 1 patient a nidus was located in left thalamus). Two patients had a supratentorial hemorrhage in the right area of basal ganglia. One of them had a constriction of both third and homolateral ventriculi). In another patient it was registered a mass hemorrhage in the left hemisphere with damages of basal ganglia, internal capsule, thalamus, and white matter of frontal and partially temporal brain lobes. A comparative analysis between clinical-neurological impairments and a character of brain structural changes in post-stroke patients with pain syndromes was performed. On the base of the analysis performed several types of pain syndromes were defi ned. So, 50.0 % of patients had central post-stroke pain, 37.5 % of patients had pain syndrome due to damages of joints and the muscularskeletal system, 37.5 % of patients had pain spasticity, and 12.5 % of patients had post-stroke headache. It was shown that central post-stroke pain had not depended on a stroke subtype and volume of a nidus, but had depended on the nidus localization. This type of post-stroke pain syndrome occurred in patients with a localization of the nidi predominantly in thalamus and the right middle cerebral artery.
Key words post-stroke pain syndrome, nidi, central pain, stroke
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