ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Algorithms of diagnostics and conducting of patients with Wilson’s disease
Title of the article Algorithms of diagnostics and conducting of patients with Wilson’s disease
Authors Voloshyna Natalia
Voloshyn-Gaponov Ivan
Vazhova Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 23-28
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-056.7:577.11-071 Index BBK -
Abstract The algorithm of diagnostics and conducting of persons with Wilson’s disease (WD), based on data of literature and analysis of own results of examination and treatment of 100 pa tients, is offered in this work. The absence of single method for reliable diagnostics of WD this time is shown. That is why diagnostics of WD should be based on results of several clinical and biochemical researches only. It was made conclusion about necessity of lifetime repeated courses of therapy (once or twice per year depending on clinical picture and results of laboratory tests) with application of neuroprotectors, hepatoprotectors, antioxidants and vasoactive drugs (besides helators and zinc salts).
Key words Wilson’s disease, diagnostics, treatment
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