ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22 , issue 4 (81)Clinic-pathogenetic peculiarities of diff erent forms of dementia development
Title of the article Clinic-pathogenetic peculiarities of diff erent forms of dementia development
Authors Mishchenko Tamara
Zdesenko Iryna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22 , issue 4 (81) Pages 15-19
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.892.2-008.47:575.1-071 Index BBK -
Abstract The thesis presents the results of investigating of clinic-neurologic phenomena, cerebral structural changes, cerebral hemodynamics, biochemical parameters in patients with diff erent types of dementia. The peculiarities of clinical course, structural changes of brain depending upon the type of dementia and severity have been established and analyzed. Defi ned clinical and pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of dementia of various origins, supplemented by diagnostic criteria and diff erential diagnostic criteria.
Key words dementia, patho genetic mechanisms, structural changes of brain, cerebral hemodynamic.
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