ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Neurotrophic therapy for depression: potential and perspec-tives
Title of the article Neurotrophic therapy for depression: potential and perspec-tives
Authors Maruta Natalia
Yavdak Iryna
Cheredniakova Olena
Maruta Oksana
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 96-103
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4:616.831-008.9-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The comprehensive clinical and neu-ropsychological study was carried out in order to analyse an effectiveness of Cerebrolysin in mixed therapy for depres-sive and cognitive disorders in patients with impairments of brain blood circula-tion of II stage caused by atherosclerosis. The study comprises cognitive productivity assessment with a brief cognitive assess-ment scale, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); task performance and fatigability assessment with the Kraepelin Test; the memory ability test based on the ten-word memorization method by Alexander Luria; diagnosis of depressive conditions with the Montgomery  — Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MARDS); personal and reac-tive (situa tional) anxiety assessment based on the Spielberger  — Khanin method; quality of life assessment with the ques-tionnaire EuroQol EQ-5D. Sixty patients with diagnosis of "Depressive disorder of organic (vascular) origin" were examined. Neurotrophic therapy in the form of intravenous injection of Cerebrolysin has shown a positive impact on reduction of depressive symptoms as well as on im-provement of cognitive functions and qual-ity of life of patients with DE of II stage of vascular (atherosclerotic) origin. This usage of Cerebrolysin in integrated impairments of brain blood circulation depressive treat-ment made the therapy more efficient. It was proved by regress of an anergetic component of depression and cognitive disorders (attention, memory) and was ex-plained to much extend by an involvement of neurotrophic mechanisms in genesis of depressive disorders of vascular origin.
Key words depression, cognitive disor-ders, neurotrophic therapy, Cerebrolysin.
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