ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)The comparative structural and functional analysis of the immune imbalance in persons of diff erent gender at relapsing and progredient courses of multiple sclerosis
Title of the article The comparative structural and functional analysis of the immune imbalance in persons of diff erent gender at relapsing and progredient courses of multiple sclerosis
Authors Vasylovskyi Vitalii
Voloshyna Natalia
Negreba Tetiana
Levchenko Іryna Leonidivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 28-36
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832-004.2-036.1-055.1-055.2 Index BBK -
Abstract There were examined the gender individualities of the immune imbalance (II) at patients with different courses of multiple sclerosis (MS) at diff erent stages of the disease activity (recurrences and remissions at relapsing course; the stages of progression and stabilization at progredient course). We inspected 210 patients (90 males and 120 females with diff erent courses of MS). 445 tests of the immune status were performed for these patients in dynamics, including the patients with the relapsing course (RC) — 224 tests (88 for males, and 136 for females), the patients with the secondary progressive course (SPC) — 131 tests (31 for males, and 100 for females), and the patients with the primary progressive course (PPC) — 90 tests (49 for males, and 41 for females). The analysis revealed a variety of gender-based rank structures of immunological parameters and their involvement into formation of II, depending on the type of the course and stage of process activity. It has been shown that the structure of the II at RC depends on gender and it is being formed mainly in periods of remission, whereas the relapses do not contribute signifi cantly to the course of the immune disorders. At SPC and PPC the II profi le is forming on the stage of stabilization, it is characterized by the marked autoimmune component, which is combined with a defi cit of cellular immunity at SPC in women and PPC in men. This correlates with the clinical data, which are demonstrating the more severe course of SPC and PPC. The immune imbalance for all courses of MS, in both men and women, has the phase character, which does not match with the beginning of clinical exacerbations — that results to the formation of clinical and immunological dissociations.
Key words multiple sclerosis, courses,immune imbalance, gender distinctions
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